Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Star of Your Own Show by Angel Lopez

I feel so fortunate to open Facebook each day and read inspiring messages from friends like Angel Lopez! 

His blog "Astrology Realness" is just that! It is a place where he shares his hopes, dreams, fears, challenges and relates them back to what is going on astrologically at that period of time. His courage to share his personal journey with everyone was one of the reasons I started this blog. I find his posts so insightful that I wanted to share information that I find so helpful as I navigate this thing called life.

This post is about how it is time for action. The fire sign Aries has arrived, Spring has sprung, and it is time for new beginnings and change. This relates to me on so many levels - like my finally sitting down and starting a blog that I have been talking about for at least 6 months!

For Angel's thoughts on each individual sun sign visit the site at

To learn more about Angel or to schedule a personal reading, visit his website at

And be sure to like his Astrology Realness Facebook Page for updates!


It’s Time To Be the Star of Your Own Show

Are you ready for the spotlight of your soulful awakening?
Like most of you, I am looking for a new beginning.  But what I have realized is that it’s not going to come in the form of a new job, a move, or a lottery ticket.  It is going to come from the inside out, so I must start by shifting how I think and feel about myself.  You see, I have been clinging on to pieces of outdated fiction that have structured my internal story, and I am finally able to see them for just that – stories.  Simply remnants from the young me that are unwilling to be left behind.  Old mentalities.  Wicked fears.  Childhood regrets and insecurities.  I have known of their existence for some time now, but my mind just could not detach.  They created a sense of safety, as they had been all I knew.  So even when I told myself it was time to let them go, it was just the old me creating a moment of self sabotage.  I knew I wouldn’t really be strong enough to detach.  Until now.
Given all the intense astrological business that’s been going on these last few months, I have crafted some new habits for myself.  They are allowing me to get some distance from the outdated thinking that was holding on for dear life.  Sure, there’s always a chance I’ll slip and end up eating a whole chocolate cake to myself, metaphorically speaking.  (Mine would be a carrot cake.)  But I have to believe that a new beginning is possible, one that I can cease and own.  I have to believe in myself.  For only from honest self-belief can one be inspired to birth his or her greatness.
Spring is here and the planets want us to move into action in a big way
The Aries new moon is here to illuminate the essence of our truest potential so that we can bring a soul-felt new beginning into existence for ourselves.  These last couple of months have been a lot of “who am I?” and “What do I need right now?” moments.  Lots of starts that have gotten us closer to our dreams, but then some stops too, which has made it all rather frustrating at times.  What we must realize is that there were some much-needed tweaks to our internal selves that needed to occur before we could manifest our goals.  Now hopefully you have been doing the internal work to get you more in touch with those necessary shifts you must make.  If not, stop reading and get to work.  Or just make this new moon all about initiating a more honest relationship with you.
A new cycle is upon us.  Spring is here and the planets want us to move into action in a big way.  No more daydreaming.  As some would say, it’s time to shit or get off the pot.  Either we are taking responsibility for the soul transformation into our new unique selves that wants to occur, or we are running away, perhaps never to be heard from again.  And you wouldn’t do that, right?
Let this Aries new moon be your opening number
I hear a lot of you feeling this shift – this urge to break out of old patterns (relationships, careers, ways of being) and really bring the real you to light.  Well now is “make it or break it” time.  And I want to see you succeed.  Think of it as if you have been working behind the scenes on the play of your life this whole time, and now it’s time to take center stage.  Are you ready for the spotlight of your soulful awakening?  Is it time to get out there and give it all you got?  Let this Aries new moon be your opening number.

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